

Shayan Khosravi is an Illustrator and Graphic Designer based in Tehran, Iran. He graduated from OCAD university in 2018 with a bachelor of design (illustration). His work is mostly influenced by street art, folklore, coffee house paintings, and calligraphy.


2020 “DesignTo: bottē Design Exhibition”, Toronto, Canada

2018 “Gradex 103” OCAD University, Toronto, Canada

2018 “Propeller Fundraiser & Silent Auction

2015 “Iranian Urban Art” group exhibition Graffik Gallery, London, UK

2015 ”Tehran 94” group exhibition at Somos Gallery, Berlin, Germany

2015 ”Inside Out Iran” group exhibition at Richmix Gallery, London, UK

2014 “Safe House” group exhibition, Tehran, Iran

2014 ”Tehran to NYC” groups exhibition Brooklyn, New York City.

2012 “Iran’s Street Art and Graffiti” group exhibition Dastan Gallery, Tehran, Iran.
